Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Too much of a good thing

Now that my plants are potted and fertilized, I'm keeping a close eye on them. Yesterday I had emptied the standing water in the trays under the pots to prevent root rot. Having done that I expected to need to water today. I filled my watering can and went out onto the deck, but when I pressed my fingers about an inch into the soil, it was still nice and damp. I left the water out there for tomorrow. Luckily it's cooling down in my area. I like it because it makes my dog more cuddly, and my kale likes it because it hates the heat.

What I believe to be sun damage on a kale plant.

My only concern is that some of my kale plants have a white/yellow spot on a leaf, and part of the leaf on one of my cauliflowers is dry and white and crunchy. My book tells me that this is a sign of too much sun exposure, so I spend a little while moving my plants back to the shadier front steps. I'm not very strong, so as I was lugging big pots of dirt around I was glad I'd chosen plastic pots. The lighter weight is good for me while I'm still trying to get my microclimate just right. Hopefully the shadier front steps will treat them better.

Soon I'll figure out a more aesthetically pleasing arrangement for them.

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